
F’d around and found out!

Several years ago, I worked for a wireless phone retailer. I think we had around 60 stores. After working my way up to a regional manager of about 20 of those, I came to the realization I didn't really want to do it any more. I decided to try and run my own business. I decided to stick with what I knew best at the time. When the owner caught wind of my idea, he decided to let me go because he felt like I wasn't as loyal as he would've liked. At that point, I decided I'd open a store up the street a bit from one of the busiest ones they had. Business was good and it was starting to cut into theirs. He sent his second in charge to my store to check it out. While he was there, he voiced his displeasure with my location and…

Several years ago, I worked for a wireless phone retailer. I think we had around 60 stores. After working my way up to a regional manager of about 20 of those, I came to the realization I didn't really want to do it any more. I decided to try and run my own business. I decided to stick with what I knew best at the time. When the owner caught wind of my idea, he decided to let me go because he felt like I wasn't as loyal as he would've liked. At that point, I decided I'd open a store up the street a bit from one of the busiest ones they had. Business was good and it was starting to cut into theirs. He sent his second in charge to my store to check it out. While he was there, he voiced his displeasure with my location and tried to tell me a few things about how I need to run MY business. I respectfully asked him to leave after that. It really got to me that these clowns actually thought they still had any control over me whatsoever. I decided to book a nice 5 day/6 night trip to the same resort they were going to for their annual company incentive trip. On their trip was the owner and his wife, the VP and his wife, as well as all his top sales reps. I purposely booked my trip so I would be there both when they arrived and when they left. The looks on their faces was enough satisfaction. My petty revenge was complete, or so I thought. A few weeks later I got a rather threatening yet totally baseless letter from their attorney. Well not only was I not the slightest bit intimidated by this, I was also quite angry. I had my lawyer send a rebuttal shooting down every point they tried to make but that still didn't feel like enough. I did a little research and discovered a company that will investigate companies using unlicensed software. Long story short, it ended up holding up the sale of the company, it also cost them $90,000. THAT was VERY satisfying. The 5% bounty was just icing on the cake.

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