
Feel Like I’m Losing my Mind

I've had a rough few years in terms of jobs, I left an awful one last year only to wind up somewhere worse. I quit that job and then struggled to find a new one for 6 months. Finally found something new and it's not the dream but it's better overall than my past two jobs. I started about 2 months ago and then 2 weeks ago they fired my counterpart. We both do similar admin type work and he created a bunch of great new systems that made us more efficient. I didn't have visibility on his day to day and when management told me they let him go they said it was due to repeated errors that they'd given him time to improve on. Now I find myself being a complete nervous wreck, from all I could see this guy seemed competent in a job where we are…

I've had a rough few years in terms of jobs, I left an awful one last year only to wind up somewhere worse. I quit that job and then struggled to find a new one for 6 months. Finally found something new and it's not the dream but it's better overall than my past two jobs. I started about 2 months ago and then 2 weeks ago they fired my counterpart. We both do similar admin type work and he created a bunch of great new systems that made us more efficient. I didn't have visibility on his day to day and when management told me they let him go they said it was due to repeated errors that they'd given him time to improve on.

Now I find myself being a complete nervous wreck, from all I could see this guy seemed competent in a job where we are tasked with juggling a lot and there's quite a bit of room for error. I don't love this job, but after 6 months of job hunting and having burned through my meagre savings I am so terrified that they're going to throw me out if I slip up and I will be back to square one.

I feel so anxious and pathetic, even though I'm pretty overqualified for this job (it's entry level and I have 12+ years experience) it was all I could find. I suppose there is not much point to this post besides getting it off my chest and just wishing we lived in a world where things didn't feel so precarious. To those out there struggling with work / money anxiety you're not alone!!

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