
Feeling a bit defeated.

I started a new job Monday as of this week and only lasted one shift. The job was for a local tire installation place. There interviews went well but were vague. They didn’t have the place organized on any level. So I start my shift to find out I won’t be replacing a driver for deliveries and instead was working in the shop as a technician. Something I have no training around, and was unaware I would be working on semi trucks. Just to make it clear, I’m 5’9” and 145 pounds on the slender side with not much muscle at all. Basically, the place was a shit show and they sent out their best people to do road related calls for stranded trucks that need new tires out in the public. Okay, I get that needs to happen. But we were swamped. The one semi truck in particular was…

I started a new job Monday as of this week and only lasted one shift. The job was for a local tire installation place. There interviews went well but were vague. They didn’t have the place organized on any level. So I start my shift to find out I won’t be replacing a driver for deliveries and instead was working in the shop as a technician. Something I have no training around, and was unaware I would be working on semi trucks.

Just to make it clear, I’m 5’9” and 145 pounds on the slender side with not much muscle at all. Basically, the place was a shit show and they sent out their best people to do road related calls for stranded trucks that need new tires out in the public. Okay, I get that needs to happen. But we were swamped. The one semi truck in particular was for an excavation company that requested new wheels. So, me and another dude who was in training had little to no experience, had to take off ten wheels in total, remount the old tires on new wheels. More than half the old tires had serious dry rot and the one had a gouge in it that I was told to cut off the excess rubber.

On top of me being physically unable to perform these tasks with the hand tools that were given to us (by unable to perform the tasks I mean I got the job done but it completely exerted me) with no experts in the shop to help me and the other new guy. The whole thing had this mentality of “just get the work done”. We also replaced tires on an expensive Ford Superduty but only had 1 TPMS sensor and was told to install the new tires on old sensors…

I don’t work like this, I don’t want my hands touching others machines if the job is not going to be done right. Not to mention the dangers of hauling excavation equipment on tires with dry rot at 120 psi.

By the end of the day, I was so exerted and exhausted from the labor, that my body was unable to lift safely. After this occurred, the guys who weigh over 200 pounds and have literally been doing this job for decades show up and mention we have 20 more tires to mount before the day ends. So I stick around to help only to end up lifting with my back because the muscles I use for lifting properly were exerted to the point of uselessness.

I emailed my resignation this morning and am lost. I feel completely defeated as a human being. I had been planning on joining the Army Reserves, maybe even active duty and now I am completely doubting my ability to take on a job like that. I’m still looking for another job, I’m behind on bills, but I didn’t want anymore injuries for $19 an hour.

I want to work and make money, frankly, I love making money and being a consumer. This is defeating. I am tired of jobs. I want a career or something that is worth the inevitable bullshit.

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