
feeling guilt about calling off

don’t know if this post fits here, but i don’t know where else it would fit best. i’m a semi-recent university graduate with a bachelors degree in the social sciences, and i’m still stuck working retail. the job is fine, the managers are fine, it’s all fine. but i still hate it. this is where the guilt comes in, as i don’t necessarily have any “real” or “genuine” reason to hate the job so much. but it just doesn’t feel fair. the pay is barely getting me by, and even then, there are others getting paid less than me. i spent years in school majoring in a field i’m passionate about and i’m not working anywhere near it. it’s difficult to not get frustrated and just plain sad at the state of things. so i call off, because some days i’ve just had enough. still there’s a constant anxiety this…

don’t know if this post fits here, but i don’t know where else it would fit best. i’m a semi-recent university graduate with a bachelors degree in the social sciences, and i’m still stuck working retail. the job is fine, the managers are fine, it’s all fine. but i still hate it. this is where the guilt comes in, as i don’t necessarily have any “real” or “genuine” reason to hate the job so much. but it just doesn’t feel fair. the pay is barely getting me by, and even then, there are others getting paid less than me. i spent years in school majoring in a field i’m passionate about and i’m not working anywhere near it. it’s difficult to not get frustrated and just plain sad at the state of things. so i call off, because some days i’ve just had enough. still there’s a constant anxiety this is going to end up biting me in the ass. that people see me as “lazy” or “unreliable”. i’m always met with judgement when i bring this up, if it happens here that’s okay too i suppose. i’m just saying, it really sucks that im supposed to be okay with all of this.

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