
Feeling insulted by the raise my company offered me

I know I’m lucky to get a raise, but it’s essentially $100 per month extra than what I’m usually paid. With inflation, that doesn’t do much for me. I met all their requirements and put well more than my 40 hours in to stay afloat with their demands. The excuse for the amount of my raise? I didn’t exceed their expectations. I didn’t help my coworkers with their work because I had too much on my own plate. I didn’t join any committees or clubs offered by my company, so only my unit knows who I am. I’m not putting myself out there. If I had, I could have had a more substantial raise, but because I’m doing exactly what I was told to do, I’m only getting a 3% raise. I’m supposed to be getting married this year and we want to buy a house so we can start…

I know I’m lucky to get a raise, but it’s essentially $100 per month extra than what I’m usually paid. With inflation, that doesn’t do much for me. I met all their requirements and put well more than my 40 hours in to stay afloat with their demands. The excuse for the amount of my raise? I didn’t exceed their expectations. I didn’t help my coworkers with their work because I had too much on my own plate. I didn’t join any committees or clubs offered by my company, so only my unit knows who I am. I’m not putting myself out there. If I had, I could have had a more substantial raise, but because I’m doing exactly what I was told to do, I’m only getting a 3% raise.

I’m supposed to be getting married this year and we want to buy a house so we can start a family. An additional $100 a month isn’t going to contribute to that. It’s disheartening. And to add further insult to injury, my bonus is more than what my raise is. I’ll be hoarding that bonus in my savings never to be touched.

I’m giving this company another year cause I need the PTO, but if they don’t offer something better next year, I’m gone.

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