
Feeling like driving to work and punching someone in the face

I'm pregnant and due on the 19th of January. I put in for leave starting 4 days before my due date (US), but honestly don't think I'm going to make it that far. We just got the schedule. I'm scheduled to work night shifts until the 16th, flip my schedule in a day (at >39 weeks pregnant, no less), and then work day shifts the 16th through 19th. My literal due date. I know it'll either be fixed or I'll go into labor and say “screw you.” It's just infuriating. Schedule pic:

I'm pregnant and due on the 19th of January. I put in for leave starting 4 days before my due date (US), but honestly don't think I'm going to make it that far. We just got the schedule. I'm scheduled to work night shifts until the 16th, flip my schedule in a day (at >39 weeks pregnant, no less), and then work day shifts the 16th through 19th. My literal due date. I know it'll either be fixed or I'll go into labor and say “screw you.” It's just infuriating.

Schedule pic:

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