
Feeling like shit after quitting nightmare job

So i just finished chef school in Vienna and the work market service sent me to apply for a job at a restaurant at the edge of the big amusement park here, i went there and the boss there told me they sell about 200 dishes a day and ofered me more money that i initially asked for, we negotiated for at least one weekend off a month witch i think is reasonable, it all seemed ok at first, but after working 2 days there i found out that nobody wants to work there and preety much everybody that comes there to work dont last even a week, in reality they welcome between 300-500 people a day. There are only 2 chefs and they preety much work 10-16 hours a day with only one day off a week. One of them has been working there for a year and hasn't…

So i just finished chef school in Vienna and the work market service sent me to apply for a job at a restaurant at the edge of the big amusement park here, i went there and the boss there told me they sell about 200 dishes a day and ofered me more money that i initially asked for, we negotiated for at least one weekend off a month witch i think is reasonable, it all seemed ok at first, but after working 2 days there i found out that nobody wants to work there and preety much everybody that comes there to work dont last even a week, in reality they welcome between 300-500 people a day. There are only 2 chefs and they preety much work 10-16 hours a day with only one day off a week. One of them has been working there for a year and hasn't seen any vacation days, he put his 2 weeks in when I started work. If i stayed i would've had to work just like him, and i simply can't do that, I live ptreety far from the restaurant and if kept working there my life would've been work sleep work sleep non stop, i feel bad for the only remaining chef there, i feel like I deserted from war, have any of you been in a similar situation?

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