
Feeling more hopeless every day.

I know there is an entire class of working men and women just like me who are tired of busting ass for peanuts. Will we ever see a break? Will we ever be compensated fairly? Will there ever be a day we’re not living paycheck to paycheck? Will someone finally realize that while everyone else is getting financial help, working class citizens are getting the short end of the stick? There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not stressed about bills, or unexpected expenses. When will it be our turn?

I know there is an entire class of working men and women just like me who are tired of busting ass for peanuts. Will we ever see a break? Will we ever be compensated fairly? Will there ever be a day we’re not living paycheck to paycheck? Will someone finally realize that while everyone else is getting financial help, working class citizens are getting the short end of the stick? There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not stressed about bills, or unexpected expenses. When will it be our turn?

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