
Filing a complaint with the labor board??

Hi, I work for a flower farm which is the farthest thing from rainbows and daisies. I am a regular administrative hourly full time employee. I am harassed on my personal phone after and before work hours. I haven’t had a lunch break where I did not have to work in 3 months. If I do take lunch I have to stay and do overtime to finish my work. I developed severe insomnia and panic attacks from the anxiety. My psychiatrist submitted a letter requesting I work from home permanently, as I was doing both, and requested I stay within my 8 hours a day. Since this I have stated not completing my work if it will go over, they have said I must do OT to finish. They have now begun to harass me constantly. If I do not respond within 5-10 minutes they will email me 3 times,…

Hi, I work for a flower farm which is the farthest thing from rainbows and daisies. I am a regular administrative hourly full time employee.

I am harassed on my personal phone after and before work hours. I haven’t had a lunch break where I did not have to work in 3 months. If I do take lunch I have to stay and do overtime to finish my work. I developed severe insomnia and panic attacks from the anxiety. My psychiatrist submitted a letter requesting I work from home permanently, as I was doing both, and requested I stay within my 8 hours a day. Since this I have stated not completing my work if it will go over, they have said I must do OT to finish. They have now begun to harass me constantly. If I do not respond within 5-10 minutes they will email me 3 times, the production team lead will call me 6-8 times back to back outside of work hours. I am not able to take sick time or the whole company would fail. As I am the only person who knows how to process orders.

I need some advice, if I call out sick would this be considered sabotage? I am filing a complaint with the labor board concerning my unpaid over time wages.

Apologies if this is missing information as I am exhausted

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