
Finally accepting that my company’s problems are not my own.

It has been a long process, because I grew up feeling the pain of other people. I saw someone being bullied by the teacher in grade school, and started getting tears myself. So when I entered the workforce I instantly had stockholm symdrome, because every place I have ever worked at had issues with retention of quality employees to some degree and I recognize the real emotions management feels towards losing people they trained. Not to mention I wasn't treated with respect by my first few employers, but they gave me a chance so in a way I felt like I owed them. One place in particular was really toxic resulting in a mass exodus from the company but deep down I wanted to stay until things stabilized, but people kept leaving, until I mentally broke and left. Fast forward and I recognize my old beliefs as stockholm syndrome. I…

It has been a long process, because I grew up feeling the pain of other people. I saw someone being bullied by the teacher in grade school, and started getting tears myself. So when I entered the workforce I instantly had stockholm symdrome, because every place I have ever worked at had issues with retention of quality employees to some degree and I recognize the real emotions management feels towards losing people they trained.

Not to mention I wasn't treated with respect by my first few employers, but they gave me a chance so in a way I felt like I owed them. One place in particular was really toxic resulting in a mass exodus from the company but deep down I wanted to stay until things stabilized, but people kept leaving, until I mentally broke and left.

Fast forward and I recognize my old beliefs as stockholm syndrome. I got too close to my captors who guilted me into working for less as if we all want the same thing (me to be underpaid). If raises max out at 3-4% and I am underpaid by $10-15k, then I am just gonna keep on hoppin.

I don't care if “HR or Payroll” are the ones in control. I want my $10k and its not my problem that you can't use reason to know paying me market value is cheaper than training new people every few years and demoralizing the team when they see someone leaving for more $$$.

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