
Finally in a job I enjoy

For the last year or so, I was job hunting on and off. The environment of my previous job was incredibly toxic. Lots of gossip (mostly from admins. I was a daycare teacher), no room for growth or development, clear favoritism and not holding everyone to the same standards, and just an overall negative attitude. I LOVED the kids, but I knew that that environment was not good. Three months into my new job and I am loving it! I was familiar with the company before I started so I knew what the job entailed before I even applied. They have a whole development program (and it is actually helpful), I have check ins with my supervisor regularly, I’m trusted to do my job and am not micromanaged even though I’m new, the relationships are professional. Some people get along better with others, but it’s always kept professional and when…

For the last year or so, I was job hunting on and off. The environment of my previous job was incredibly toxic. Lots of gossip (mostly from admins. I was a daycare teacher), no room for growth or development, clear favoritism and not holding everyone to the same standards, and just an overall negative attitude. I LOVED the kids, but I knew that that environment was not good.

Three months into my new job and I am loving it! I was familiar with the company before I started so I knew what the job entailed before I even applied. They have a whole development program (and it is actually helpful), I have check ins with my supervisor regularly, I’m trusted to do my job and am not micromanaged even though I’m new, the relationships are professional. Some people get along better with others, but it’s always kept professional and when there’s an issue, it’s dealt with in a timely matter and people move on.

I’m so grateful I found this job. I suffer from migraines and stress is a huge trigger for me. I went from 3-4 migraines a month lasting 2-3 days, to maybe 2 a month (and they’ve been because of other triggers). Took me a long time, but I finally feel settled and relaxed in a job.

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