
Finally leaving my job in 2 days!

I started working at a restaurant while I was on winter break for college and it fucking sucked. Even on my first day I could tell I was going to hate working there but I pushed through and now I have 2 days left until I leave and go back to school. I don't plan on returning there either. Don't get me wrong, my coworkers are all very sweet and helpful even when I make dumb mistakes. The customers however are horrible. I cannot believe how dumb and rude people can be. For background, I work at a Mexican restaurant so lots of Hispanics come in to eat and order food. I'm also hispanic and a hostess at the restaurant. Lots of people will come in and speak to my other coworkers, who look hispanic, instead of speaking to me. Why? I'm pale and apparently look white. I even had…

I started working at a restaurant while I was on winter break for college and it fucking sucked. Even on my first day I could tell I was going to hate working there but I pushed through and now I have 2 days left until I leave and go back to school. I don't plan on returning there either.

Don't get me wrong, my coworkers are all very sweet and helpful even when I make dumb mistakes. The customers however are horrible. I cannot believe how dumb and rude people can be. For background, I work at a Mexican restaurant so lots of Hispanics come in to eat and order food. I'm also hispanic and a hostess at the restaurant. Lots of people will come in and speak to my other coworkers, who look hispanic, instead of speaking to me. Why? I'm pale and apparently look white. I even had one lady say to my coworker, in front of me, that she can't speak to me because I'm white and don't speak Spanish. Sorry, what? I didn't think language was based on skin color nor did I think strangers could label me but some people really have these thoughts. Crazy. And I've had to deal with this for 2 months. It gets annoying after a while.

Aside from that, people will clearly see there's a long line and only 4 workers yet get angry that it's been 20 minutes and they don't have their food yet. Some will even yell at me like I'm the one making their food. I just take orders, checkout customers, and give people their takeout orders. If your food isn't on my counter, I have nothing to give you. I've had instances where people ask if I can go into the kitchen and get their food or ask the chefs to cook their food faster. I'm hardly allowed to be in the kitchen, let alone leave my spot.

Even with all this, what irritated me more was regulars who would come in and talk to me like I'm dumb. You want the usual? I've never seen you before. I don't know what table you sat at, I'm not a waitress, I need your receipt. I can't fill your drink while I'm with another customer. Just because one of the waiters gave you something for free doesn't mean I will too. I need a name for every order and I will keep asking for a name even if you ignore me. You can't place your order at the counter and say you're going to eat here, there's a big sign at the entrance that says you need to wait to be seated. We close at 9pm, you can't come in after hours to pick up your food.

Most of my coworkers have worked there for years. I have no idea how they deal with the constant yelling from angry customers, impatient people, and those who think they own the place. It's horrible and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I'm so fucking glad I'm leaving.

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