
Finally quit my soul crushing job

I finally quit my job last month after 7 years of 60-70 hour weeks, evenings and weekends, barely seeing my spouse and working remotely on every “vacation” including my honeymoon, for bosses who treated everyone below them like garbage. I was so convinced I could never succeed anywhere else and that fear kept me from leaving. I am six weeks into a new gig that is less hours for the same money and most importantly, for a boss who actually cares about other human beings and their work life balance. It’s like waking up from a coma. If you hate your job and are scared to move on, I am sending you encouragement and positive vibes. You deserve better, we all deserve better. Fuck employers who think they can treat you like trash. You can do it!

I finally quit my job last month after 7 years of 60-70 hour weeks, evenings and weekends, barely seeing my spouse and working remotely on every “vacation” including my honeymoon, for bosses who treated everyone below them like garbage. I was so convinced I could never succeed anywhere else and that fear kept me from leaving.

I am six weeks into a new gig that is less hours for the same money and most importantly, for a boss who actually cares about other human beings and their work life balance. It’s like waking up from a coma.

If you hate your job and are scared to move on, I am sending you encouragement and positive vibes. You deserve better, we all deserve better. Fuck employers who think they can treat you like trash. You can do it!

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