
Finally saying no and putting my health first.

I have a big year long project due today for university. I have been working tirelessly this term skipping my workouts, not eating/quickly scarfing down meals, barely sleeping all week, having no life, trying to progress faster on the deliverable. I kept thinking if I just work harder I can meet the deadline but it's literally impossible when im juggling 4 other classes, working 25-30 hrs a week, and job applying too, all while some of my teammates aren't even pulling their weight. So yea fuck it that shit isn't getting turned in today. I'm gonna do my workout and chill then continue work on it. I told my supervisor it will be in Monday or Tuesday, but I should be able to do it by saturday/sunday.

I have a big year long project due today for university. I have been working tirelessly this term skipping my workouts, not eating/quickly scarfing down meals, barely sleeping all week, having no life, trying to progress faster on the deliverable. I kept thinking if I just work harder I can meet the deadline but it's literally impossible when im juggling 4 other classes, working 25-30 hrs a week, and job applying too, all while some of my teammates aren't even pulling their weight.

So yea fuck it that shit isn't getting turned in today. I'm gonna do my workout and chill then continue work on it. I told my supervisor it will be in Monday or Tuesday, but I should be able to do it by saturday/sunday.

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