
Finally, something positive to share

Hi. English is not my native language, you know the drill. So, last year after 3 years unemployment and last 2 of them trying to qualify for a better work, after I passed only theoretical exams but not tha practical, I decided to take a break and clear my head before I try again. I was one month home, bored af and decided to take the first job I got from my Unemployment Services (other name here, you get what I mean). I said from beginning that I will try, that I am bored at home and that is not my first choice of work area and I will stay only as long as I am feeling OK. A month ago, I said I will start to search something else, but I will stay at least they find a replacement for me. Everything was ok, work was good, but around…

Hi. English is not my native language, you know the drill.

So, last year after 3 years unemployment and last 2 of them trying to qualify for a better work, after I passed only theoretical exams but not tha practical, I decided to take a break and clear my head before I try again. I was one month home, bored af and decided to take the first job I got from my Unemployment Services (other name here, you get what I mean). I said from beginning that I will try, that I am bored at home and that is not my first choice of work area and I will stay only as long as I am feeling OK.

A month ago, I said I will start to search something else, but I will stay at least they find a replacement for me. Everything was ok, work was good, but around the same time our team leader started to bully me. You have to do this and that, you forget this, you made a mistake and you have to cover it from your salary. You are not finished with your tasks in that 8 hours shift? You stay until you are finished, without pay. I had enough. I found something better, and I gave them my notice. I tried to make it friendly, but my Boss (who had no idea that I wanna go until he got my notice) said I can give notice only on Sunday and I have to stay 2 weeks after.

OK Boss. I said I will do it. I worked that day, and before my shift endet I startet to complain about back pain and other stuff. After my shift was done, I didn't give a fork about unfinished tasks, I said to next shift that I'm sorry, I did my best, more I can't do and home I went. Next day I called my Doctor (a wonderful one who always covered my ass when I told him I need a break from work, school etc) and he told me I need infusions for 3 days in a row, therapy and at least 10 days I am not allowed to work. I sent my boss all the details.

Aftermath: Today, my boss called, ready to end our contract early. Because is cheaper for him to end our contract als to pay me until end of notice for my sick leave. I tried to tell you, but you did't want to hear it. And if you try to force me to do something I don't want, well it want be cheap for you.

PS Yeah, my doc is the best. He didn't comit fraud or anything, I have a history with him and he knows that when I say I need a break, I really need one because I'm at end with resources. I wanted to end my contract in a friendly manner, but is not my problem that my boss doesn't have enough workers to cover an emergency. And I was sick of paying around 150-200 (dollars, euros, pounds take wich one you want) for so called “mistakes” without proof it was my mistake.

Results of the wrong workplace…

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