
finding a job that’s not understaffed, overworked and underpaid?

Currently looking for my 4th job in 5 years as everyplace is so understaffed, overworked etc. Corporate offices arent any different than the rest of these places. Where I'm at now the senior manage quit a year ago and hasn't been replaced, my supervisor quit last month and my Manger is in the hospital going on 3 weeks. There's supposed to be 6+ team members, we currently have 3, all of which have been here under a year and we have 300+ accounts to manage. They promised to hire 2 new staff, double backed and only hired one. It's just never ending. So I'm going to move again. But it seems like every workplace has the same problems.. how the hell do you find a good one? I've been in small companies, large companies they're all so blind on how to keep people happy. Im so tired and over it…

Currently looking for my 4th job in 5 years as everyplace is so understaffed, overworked etc. Corporate offices arent any different than the rest of these places.

Where I'm at now the senior manage quit a year ago and hasn't been replaced, my supervisor quit last month and my Manger is in the hospital going on 3 weeks. There's supposed to be 6+ team members, we currently have 3, all of which have been here under a year and we have 300+ accounts to manage. They promised to hire 2 new staff, double backed and only hired one. It's just never ending. So I'm going to move again.

But it seems like every workplace has the same problems.. how the hell do you find a good one? I've been in small companies, large companies they're all so blind on how to keep people happy. Im so tired and over it I just want to find a decent place and be able to breathe for once.

How do you find a good company/management/role??

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