
Fired after 3 months the minute I got back from injury

I'm not really sure why I'm posting beyond the fact that I'm absolutely gutted and feeling like crap but I guess just venting about it makes me feel a little better. For the record I'm in Ontario, Canada. I started working for a new company in September, choosing them over another opportunity because it left me with some more options with a second job. Last week, I fell while on the job and could not put weight on my foot. I was sent to the hospital and got a WSIB and came back as soon as I was able too (today) They let me work for a few hours before deciding to pull me aside and let me go. They said they wanted to do this with me the previous week but because I was injured they were unable to. This is a family run business who “are very family…

I'm not really sure why I'm posting beyond the fact that I'm absolutely gutted and feeling like crap but I guess just venting about it makes me feel a little better.

For the record I'm in Ontario, Canada.

I started working for a new company in September, choosing them over another opportunity because it left me with some more options with a second job.

Last week, I fell while on the job and could not put weight on my foot. I was sent to the hospital and got a WSIB and came back as soon as I was able too (today)

They let me work for a few hours before deciding to pull me aside and let me go. They said they wanted to do this with me the previous week but because I was injured they were unable to.

This is a family run business who “are very family focused” and they've let me out in the cold with bills pending and Christmas a few weeks later.

When I got their copy of the WSIB, I noticed that the information on there was incorrect. I had fallen a few weeks before and didn't need to go to the hospital. I walked it off, albeit painfully. I should have known something was up when I reported my fall that they didn't want to do an incident report or anything.

They are claiming the sprain I had was already injured and I already had problems with it. This is simply untrue.

Fuck family companies. I worked my ass off there. I gave it my all, everyday, for Minimum wage. I worked as hard as I could. I asked for constructive criticism. I only got criticism. And now they do this to me.

My WSIB person is calling soon, beyond that I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But companies and corporations DO NOT CARE about you.

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