
Fired because I won’t work for free

Be me, be underpaid keyholder making less than fast food or retail and less than my coworkers, showed up to work today, no paycheck, ask about it without getting any answers, I put in 4 hours anyways, leave, get called immediately and told I'm unreliable, and fired. Remember, don't work harder for someone else's dream and don't accept a lower pay! I still don't know anyone else there who would have stayed to work knowing they hadn't been paid or where the money even was. Oh well~ time to enjoy my time off 🙂

Be me, be underpaid keyholder making less than fast food or retail and less than my coworkers, showed up to work today, no paycheck, ask about it without getting any answers, I put in 4 hours anyways, leave, get called immediately and told I'm unreliable, and fired. Remember, don't work harder for someone else's dream and don't accept a lower pay! I still don't know anyone else there who would have stayed to work knowing they hadn't been paid or where the money even was. Oh well~ time to enjoy my time off 🙂

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