
Fired because of my disabilities…

So I’m in the autism spectrum (high functioning but have troubles understanding things if not made specific) and after an almost 2 year gap in work, I was finally given a break when I was hired on as a TSS (Target Security Specialist) back in late September. Things started off weird when I was told I’d be training at the store I applied to, then was told I’d be at a different store due to staffing issues. I shrugged it off and trained at the other store and returned to mine where I was supposed to finish training. That never happened because I was booked by myself for the next two weeks while BOTH my supervisor and boss were out with medical issues. When they both managed to finally make it back, everything was going extremely well until about a week later when I was approached by my boss, who…

So I’m in the autism spectrum (high functioning but have troubles understanding things if not made specific) and after an almost 2 year gap in work, I was finally given a break when I was hired on as a TSS (Target Security Specialist) back in late September.

Things started off weird when I was told I’d be training at the store I applied to, then was told I’d be at a different store due to staffing issues. I shrugged it off and trained at the other store and returned to mine where I was supposed to finish training. That never happened because I was booked by myself for the next two weeks while BOTH my supervisor and boss were out with medical issues. When they both managed to finally make it back, everything was going extremely well until about a week later when I was approached by my boss, who claimed I was doing the job wrong (mind you, I’m simply standing by the entrance watching for any suspicious activity and greeting people as they entered and left) and not being “enthusiastic” enough. Now for clarification, I’m an introvert at heart, I tend to keep to myself and don’t like bothering people when it’s not necessary to do so, but I was instructed to be more “alive” while greeting. I politely reminded her that I was a security specialist, not a greeter and it was left as is. A few days later, I was again confronted by her about how I greet people (this time I was brought back to her office and essentially interrogated and shown footage of me at the door (which felt like a violation of my privacy and went against the terms of usage regarding CCTV) after which I went to HR to discuss it, I was told it was a misunderstanding and that no harm was meant.

Things really started to pick up when I was chewed out for not receipt checking a group of thieves (who at the time I was not aware of being the people we were looking for). I was told I would be receiving updated intel on the suspects appearance so I knew who to be looking out for. When I then try to defend my actions, she perceives it as an attitude. I again go to HR the following day to report her actions as I thought it wasn't fair for her to hold me responsible when she had previously promised to give us intel.

Another week or two goes by without incident when I am then called back into her office and again chewed out because I didn't follow her directions on finishing a task I was given (granted I didn't finish the task but only because I wanted to get back to the front of the store so I could be on the lookout for anything suspicious and because she gets irritated when we aren't at the door), I apologized and said I would make it up to her. The next day, I am again called into her office and interrogated on supposedly leaving a basket of merchandise protection in the AP closet (it's more of a separate room in the back of the store behind a encrypted keypad where only members of the Asset Protection team can access.) I explained that I was already working on several other tasks at the time and that I clearly had forgotten, afterall: we're only human, we make mistakes. I apologized again and said that it wouldn't happen again.

Flash-forward to today – I get into the office and grab all my equipment as usual and clock in for the day. I do my normal tasks as I do whenever I start a shift, guess what happens next? You guessed it, I get called into her office and when I get in there I notice our HR manager in there with a troubled look on his face. I'm then given a rundown saying how my performance hasn't been up to standards and that my attendance has been spotty (I've only called in ONCE, and have left early twice due to a family emergency where my father and little brother are involved in a car accident and again when I begin vomiting several times at work due to food poisoning. Other than that, I've ALWAYS showed up for work, usually 15 minutes before my shift would actually begin just to prepare things for the day) and for supposedly violating AP directives when I bookmarked some young adults being kicked out as “needing a whooping” (strangely enough, the computer saved that caption on the bookmark despite me erasing it and properly naming it afterwards). Because of these reasons, I was fired. Unjustly without being given a chance to explain my side of the story as well.

It's funny that huge corporations like Target claim to invoke a discriminatory-free workplace but when you make the slightest mistake, you're reprimanded for it and made to feel like you're worthless. Even if you inform your employer that you have a disability like autism or Asperger's, if those in power don't understand your disability, they will off-handedly degrade you for being different and punish you for not following THEIR way of thinking.

Regardless to say, I will be seeking legal action against them for discrimination and emotional damage.

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