
Fired by my absolute nightmare boss

This was awhile ago and I have since gotten a much better job but the story is so unreal to me. Got a job working for a small business selling at a farmers market where pay was under the table and untaxed since I knew someone who worked for the guy. Worked every Saturday and Sunday from 5:45 am to about 3pm (which was what time we were SUPPOSED to get off but the boss made us stay for hours later sometimes bc he was late or bc of someone else’s mistake The first 3 weekends were “training pay” aka six 10 hour shifts for $100 a day. After that pay was on commission which could be up to $250, which is INSANE. I worked my shift and got paid. Next weekend, the boss tried to stiff me and only pay me $50 because it was a “slow day”. This…

This was awhile ago and I have since gotten a much better job but the story is so unreal to me. Got a job working for a small business selling at a farmers market where pay was under the table and untaxed since I knew someone who worked for the guy. Worked every Saturday and Sunday from 5:45 am to about 3pm (which was what time we were SUPPOSED to get off but the boss made us stay for hours later sometimes bc he was late or bc of someone else’s mistake

The first 3 weekends were “training pay” aka six 10 hour shifts for $100 a day. After that pay was on commission which could be up to $250, which is INSANE.
I worked my shift and got paid. Next weekend, the boss tried to stiff me and only pay me $50 because it was a “slow day”. This is where I started to hate it there. Also not the last time he stiffed me.

After another week of making less than half of what my coworker did for the same amount of work we decided to text the boss and tell him that I should be taken off of training pay and paid fully, as well as that we should be paid for the extra hours that he made us wait that we didn’t expect every single shift.

The boss responded by FIRING me outright, apparently bc he didn’t need me anymore. Later my coworker who got me the job resigned and put in two weeks, then was fired before he could work his next shift.
What a piece of work. Untaxed jobs are great until your boss decides to be a POS and you can’t do anything about it.

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