
Fired for having covid

Hi everyone, I got sick on the Thur 11/17 and notified my boss via teams I will be sick and needed to take off I was off on the 18th, 21st-23rd, (24th-25th paid holiday) 23rd my boss reached out to me using kixie(a number spoofer we use for work which also records calls) I didnt pick up since I didnt know who it was but he texted me from the spoofed number and said it was him and to call. I texted back saying I am bed ridden and dont feel well enough to talk over the phone. I apologized for the lack of update and told him I will be back to work on Monday but I didnt specify which Monday. He ignored it and said to still call him but I did not. Mon 28th I request sick time (since my PTO and sick time kicked in on…

Hi everyone,

I got sick on the Thur 11/17 and notified my boss via teams I will be sick and needed to take off

I was off on the 18th, 21st-23rd, (24th-25th paid holiday) 23rd my boss reached out to me using kixie(a number spoofer we use for work which also records calls) I didnt pick up since I didnt know who it was but he texted me from the spoofed number and said it was him and to call. I texted back saying I am bed ridden and dont feel well enough to talk over the phone. I apologized for the lack of update and told him I will be back to work on Monday but I didnt specify which Monday. He ignored it and said to still call him but I did not.

Mon 28th I request sick time (since my PTO and sick time kicked in on the 27th)

Tue 29th my boss called me from a different number (this time his personal number) and I missed it but I called him back and let him know I submitted PTO to travel to the Christmas party they were hosting (from the 30th-2nd). He said make sure to test before going. I at-home tested the next day on 11/30 and my test came back positive (at this point I have no symptoms left and didnt know I had covid to begin with). I spoke to the event organizer and how I was bummed about it, he told me to book a flight back home asap and to tell my boss. I told my boss I cant make it to the event. The soonest/cheapest flight I could take was the one I had already booked but I kept searching for one regardless.

Wed 11/30 Everyone was flying into the event, I flew a day before since it was cheaper. I didnt bring my work laptop since I thought I would be at the party so I clocked into work to make sure I was going to still get paid.

Thur 12/1 My boss texts me and tell me to get a note from a doctor, get a test, and send it to HR. HR reached out to me but I missed the call

Fri 12/2 HR calls my mother and asked her if im ok and told her I haven't been to work and my mother tells them I am sick, which I have been. My Boss reached out to me as well and I informed him I will be in on Monday. I try to reach out to HR but no one picked up (also they work half days on Friday). Also a bit pissed they contacted my mother, especially since I have been communicating with my boss at this point.

12/5 I spoke with HR before work to tell her I have been sick. She says so many people have been contacting me (which is not true) and I said I have been speking to my boss but she rudely said that I had to email her. I apologized and informed her I did not know but my boss never informed me I had to do that, he only every said to make sure I send them a doctors note. I proceed to tell her I am going to the doctors today to get them that note and covid test. I put in my PTO request as well. However, before I make it to the doctors they terminated me and they paid me half of my paycheck. I informed them over email that I had covid and was unable to work and log onto my teams to contact them. I also said this was a wrongful termination and said how they didnt pay me my full amount. I received no response.

I feel like this fire was highly illegal since you cant fire someone over covid and I was supposed to get a Christmas bonus of somewhere near $10k.

What should I do here? Am I screwed? I am strapped for cash and didn't wanna lose my job. I feel like it was dumb of them to fire me since I was the second best performer in their HubSpot metrics. Also this is my first real job after college.

TLDR: Company fired me for having covid, blamed me for the lack of communication, skimped me on my paycheck and I am not receiving my Christmas bonus.

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