
Fired for no reason after 3-4 weeks.

This is my first time posting here but I wanted to share this somewhere after keeping this in me for a while. I was fired on 11-14-2022 while riding the bus home afterwork. The payroll manager and “head director” contacted me, they just randomly said “we are calling you because it’s in regards to your termination, we want you to know that we must terminate you.” I asked them, “how come and what’s the problem?”, they respond “oh, after we evaluated everything that occurred, we decided we don’t want you in the company anymore, alright thanks goodbye!”. Before all of this happened to me, I had a situation where a older male co-worker (60M) of mines he was nasty, ageist, micro aggressive, and had a arrogant attitude. I started out in the billing department because originally I applied to be apart of another role but the manager gave my resume…

This is my first time posting here but I wanted to share this somewhere after keeping this in me for a while. I was fired on 11-14-2022 while riding the bus home afterwork. The payroll manager and “head director” contacted me, they just randomly said “we are calling you because it’s in regards to your termination, we want you to know that we must terminate you.”

I asked them, “how come and what’s the problem?”, they respond “oh, after we evaluated everything that occurred, we decided we don’t want you in the company anymore, alright thanks goodbye!”.

Before all of this happened to me, I had a situation where a older male co-worker (60M) of mines he was nasty, ageist, micro aggressive, and had a arrogant attitude. I started out in the billing department because originally I applied to be apart of another role but the manager gave my resume off to another department. I took the role but then they moved me to another floor of the building. I trained with a woman who had been there for a while, she did a great job training me. I caught on perfectly fine without any issues.

A week later I get introduced to another co-worker who happens to be a older male. I thought he was nice at first. It was told that I would be a billing specialist while he’s the billing analyst in charge of the bigger projects. I was respectful, courteous, and professional towards him. So, he starts to have conversations with me through the weeks and talk shit about the entire company, and revealed he hated it. I’ll skip all the other stuff. He rants, vents, and complains about the company daily.

I just told him if he has concerns to report it to the managers or HR. Then I noticed he would undermine me because of my age. He would take shots at my age a lot and would make me feel bad because I’m a baby millennial. He would act friendly sometimes behind closed doors then in front of people he would call me just the “help”. Bragged how he been in the career world in corporate America before I was born and he was CFO at one point in his career, bragged how he was a millionaire at my age because of investment (I’m in my late 20s).

Dude bragged how his parents paid all of his expenses throughout college and he didn’t have to work like other people his age. Claims he owned a condo on the beach, just bragging that’s all. I would just congratulate him but I truly do not care. So, he would take shots at me not having a car or just at me in general. He made comments about how he didn’t like people of color specifically Hispanics/Latin people because theyre despicable.

I am a woman of color (black american), he kept saying in corporate America he’s never seen so much POC in his life because the company had a lot of black, asian, latin and mixed races of all genders. There was Caucasian people there from what I saw.

He felt disrespected at the sight of this and would rant to me. So, I finally went to tell my department manager but the company didn’t take actions, I told the manager how he has said racist things I don’t like. I’m not a racist woman nor care to be around anybody who engage in such. Then I found out, he’s been trashing all of my work into the bin because he was intimated by my work ethic, punctuality, and was very jealous because I surpassed him in the work. I found out later this company had so much nepotism to and he had friends there despite bashing the company. It was a whirlwind of toxicity, unprofessionalism, and nepotism. The owner of the company didn’t care about the company.

I ended up telling the manager again this guy was trashing my work. You can sense the tension that he hated me for nothing. He even like got aggressive at me like he was my father, I was ready to snap but I calmed down. The managers sets up a meeting, a big meeting with all management there. I go into the meeting, I stood up for myself against all these older people. The co-worker starts being aggressive and called me a “little girl” who’s not on his level because he’s 60 with 40 years of work experience. I told them how he’s been treating me horrible and saying horrible bigot/racist things about staff members.

Lastly, they plan to move my desk to another area. I was happy to be away from him. They move me but then after they fire me, that day I sensed the management was upset at me for nothing. He was their buddy so all of them sat there to say “he’s never gave us issues, he’s a good man and we get along with him fine”. The manager of the department I was in called my phone, she revealed the older guy ended telling the management lies about me. None of them looked out for me and I truly didn’t care to hear what she had to say. I was so angry because I realized that these people don’t care about you. It taught me a lesson more than I already knew. They fired me because he claimed I was saying things about the staff or something.

It was hearsay, nepotism, and unprofessional that they took his word over mines and fired me on my bus ride home after work before the holidays.

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