
Fired for problems caused by medication?

Hi guys, I’m posting on behalf of my boyfriend who was fired from his position today due to side effects from the tablets he was taking due a medical issue. Essentially he has been enjoying and doing really well in his job, which has been acknowledged by the workplace, and has received a lot of good reviews from clients. However recently he started taking a medication that caused bowel issues (tmi I know) and made it difficult for him to go to the bathroom quickly so he was taking longer in there. He explained this to his supervisor however they requested a doctors note, which he agreed to provide. However they have just fired him after he asked his doctor for the note. This even happened after he stopped taking the medication given by his doctor due to pressure he was facing from his supervisor. I’m posting because I’ve seen…

Hi guys, I’m posting on behalf of my boyfriend who was fired from his position today due to side effects from the tablets he was taking due a medical issue. Essentially he has been enjoying and doing really well in his job, which has been acknowledged by the workplace, and has received a lot of good reviews from clients. However recently he started taking a medication that caused bowel issues (tmi I know) and made it difficult for him to go to the bathroom quickly so he was taking longer in there. He explained this to his supervisor however they requested a doctors note, which he agreed to provide. However they have just fired him after he asked his doctor for the note. This even happened after he stopped taking the medication given by his doctor due to pressure he was facing from his supervisor.

I’m posting because I’ve seen great advice here and we are wondering what, if any, action can be taken. He’s in Tennessee if that helps or hinders anything.

Thank you for any help! 🥲

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