
Fired today and just want to share

I would like to start this with I've been reporting sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation since 12/2021 with my job in healthcare. I reported to the EEOC immediately after I was written up for being “loud, unprofessional in e-mails, and discourtesy to my coworkers” two days after reporting sexual harassment. The loudness was literally from having a coworker who has harassed me screaming in my face; I asked them to leave me alone. Yet, I got written up. I was unable to get an interview until 02/2022. With the EEOC investigating through December 12/22, nothing happened and they just gave me the right to sue. My employer has had multiple investigations with the only that they updated me on an official basis was confirming my sexual harassment (don't worry I have it in writing). I've reported sexual harassment 4 times and only been asked a single question; that was that…

I would like to start this with I've been reporting sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation since 12/2021 with my job in healthcare. I reported to the EEOC immediately after I was written up for being “loud, unprofessional in e-mails, and discourtesy to my coworkers” two days after reporting sexual harassment. The loudness was literally from having a coworker who has harassed me screaming in my face; I asked them to leave me alone. Yet, I got written up. I was unable to get an interview until 02/2022. With the EEOC investigating through December 12/22, nothing happened and they just gave me the right to sue. My employer has had multiple investigations with the only that they updated me on an official basis was confirming my sexual harassment (don't worry I have it in writing). I've reported sexual harassment 4 times and only been asked a single question; that was that I wanted it (in writing) and no one fired with repeat offenders. Just to show you the quality of investigations and accountability others were held to. My lawyer is actually supposed to have draft for my lawsuit this weekend for me to review before filing.

The discrimination wasn't just targeted at me. I do suffer from PTSD from being grabbed and held as a child. This included being tied to a chair, where I was beaten, sexually assaulted and more until I escaped. So, you can see why I was so adamant about reporting sexual harassment. I stood up for patients who were being mocked by our staff for their mental illnesses. This led to me having witnesses coming to me having witnessed those I reported planning retaliation. So, I went to management and corporate to inform them about the incoming retaliation. I was ignored and management even verbally reprimanded me over my disability accommodations and false accusations levied at me in revenge.

Today, I was fired for refusing to turn over recordings (Ohio is single-party consent) that the company has known about since 2021. I did so because they haven't held any of my harassers accountable under policy with proof already. I'd gladly turn them over to the media though. These recordings were made to prove my accusations and to prove retaliatory claims against me were false. I had again brought these up when the company was congratulating the manager behind the discrimination and retaliation received a promotion despite my evidence being more than enough for termination under the policy (without recordings).

Having not felt my company nor the legal system (EEOC) have been helpful. I just wanted to share and let others know nothing helps. I've even tried reaching out to the media here (Ohio) and got 0 response. Good luck because companies and HR are not your friends. Save and document everything.

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