
First big cooperate job, will probably be my last

I picked this job up after my mom went into remission. I had been helping, take care of her and the house for the previous months. The company promised great commission checks, monthly bonuses, full benefits, flexibility in schedules, pto, holiday pay, sick days etc. I am immunocompromised.(I told them this) I started unfortunately at the time of year where being sick is at its peak. I have doctors notes that say I can sit down from time to time and have to have something for my blood sugar. I left a previous job that was really close to my house for this. It’s quite a bit further, but the pay and all the benefits seem to out-weigh that. They were informed that I lived far and had to use public transportation. Claimed it’s fine, that they’d be understanding. I’m now 3 months in. They lied in original training about…

I picked this job up after my mom went into remission. I had been helping, take care of her and the house for the previous months.

The company promised great commission checks, monthly bonuses, full benefits, flexibility in schedules, pto, holiday pay, sick days etc.

I am immunocompromised.(I told them this) I started unfortunately at the time of year where being sick is at its peak. I have doctors notes that say I can sit down from time to time and have to have something for my blood sugar.

I left a previous job that was really close to my house for this. It’s quite a bit further, but the pay and all the benefits seem to out-weigh that. They were informed that I lived far and had to use public transportation. Claimed it’s fine, that they’d be understanding.

I’m now 3 months in. They lied in original training about immediately getting PTO, sick days and holiday pay after I worked all of the main holidays. They do anything and everything to avoid paying bonuses and commission checks and will go out of their way to make up excuses to not pay out.

None of the benefits start until the six month mark. I found out this specific location has the highest turnover rate on my side of the country, and it only opened within the past year. The average time when people tend to leave is 3 to 4 months. All of the benefits that they actually promised are absolutely horrible, barely cover anything and are extremely expensive.

There is another person in my department that is immunocompromised that is quite a bit older than me. They have no problem with them taking days off for their health, or needing to sit down. If I ever need to sit down, after running around all day doing things,I get written up or told that I’m being lazy. For the days off i took when I was contagiously sick, I had to sign an agreement acknowledging how many days I had taken off so far and that I have been talked to about it. Told how most of the time they would just fire somebody for even half as many days.

One of the leads has tried blaming me for their mistakes, and when I stood up for myself, I got written up .

In December they told me how I was excelling all of their expectations and offered me a promotion. They told me I just needed to reach a goal that following weekend to get it. I tripled said goal. When I tried following up with them they claimed we’d speak of it after new years. New years comes around and they fully ghost me.

I am expected to bounce back between two departments to reach my goal. The lead of the one (let’s call it B department.) thinks I do an excellent job and wants me to move fully into their department to become an expert. Moving to that department fully would mean I would make more money. For two months they’ve tried talking to the higher ups about it and so have I. Two days ago they forcefully moved a coworker from being fully in department A to department b. This coworker had spent a long time specializing in department A, and didn’t understand why they were being switched, they didn’t give her much of an explanation. Didn’t even ask the lead of department b. They just did it.

I’m in need of a couple surgeries and they’ve been getting annoyed I’ve been a bit late due to doctors appointments(I told them about before) so I request days of for said surgeries 3 1/2 weeks prior. They told me they could do that. Schedules are printed, no they didn’t. I ask for slight changes in time I come in due to distance. They said they could. Didn’t do that either. Instead they scheduled me for even earlier openings to even later closings.

All the higher ups talk badly and spread gossip. Grown adults in their 40s & 50s bullying coworkers in their 20s. It’s full of cliques. Feels like high school. I’m over it. Only getting days off if you brown nose.

This feels ridiculous. My mental and physical health are suffering from it. I don’t understand how I’m considered weak for not wanting to continue to put up with this.

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