
Fmla? FML

I’ve been with a company for about 10 years, freelance first, then full time. I’ll admit I’ve had plenty of struggles over the years, all culminating to a traumatic event involving police at my house 4 times in 48 hours and my ex going to rehab after locking my kid inside. I asked for time off then but my boss said “unfortunately, no” I’ve been spending the last year and half dealing with divorce court, custody battles, and working my ass off trying to keep my head above water.. when I’d asked for a raise I was offered 12 weeks unpaid leave. I took it, I got help for CPTSD and dealing with narcissists, and am unfortunately still married and dealing with court. I came back and kept hearing “welcome back” like I was on vacation when I was burning through every PTO day I had till they were gone…

I’ve been with a company for about 10 years, freelance first, then full time.

I’ll admit I’ve had plenty of struggles over the years, all culminating to a traumatic event involving police at my house 4 times in 48 hours and my ex going to rehab after locking my kid inside.
I asked for time off then but my boss said “unfortunately, no”

I’ve been spending the last year and half dealing with divorce court, custody battles, and working my ass off trying to keep my head above water..
when I’d asked for a raise I was offered 12 weeks unpaid leave.

I took it, I got help for CPTSD and dealing with narcissists, and am unfortunately still married and dealing with court.

I came back and kept hearing “welcome back” like I was on vacation when I was burning through every PTO day I had till they were gone then went 6 weeks with out pay.

When I asked to come back on intermittent FMLA my boss said he didn’t think that was an option, however he had no issues reaching out to me a handful of times during my leave.

Just counting down till I’m done with them.

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