
Follow up to wife’s boss who doesn’t know how Google drive access works

Original Post: It happened today, my wife’s employment was terminated and she received a fun dismissal email. Since her boss still didn’t change the Drive access, we watched her draft it for two days. I will copy it below with names and info removed. Some quick context: my wife ran the salon and had the support of 10/13 of the employees. The other 3 are the owner/boss, and her two cronies. We are looking at a major exit of crucial employees in the following weeks. We’re sure the part about the severance package is to try to get her to not file for unemployment. She did talk to a few employees she can trust outright and let them know what was happening and what the owner was saying about them. Email from owner/boss: Hi [wife] ~ I have reached out to you in an effort to schedule an urgent…

Original Post:

It happened today, my wife’s employment was terminated and she received a fun dismissal email. Since her boss still didn’t change the Drive access, we watched her draft it for two days. I will copy it below with names and info removed.

Some quick context: my wife ran the salon and had the support of 10/13 of the employees. The other 3 are the owner/boss, and her two cronies. We are looking at a major exit of crucial employees in the following weeks. We’re sure the part about the severance package is to try to get her to not file for unemployment. She did talk to a few employees she can trust outright and let them know what was happening and what the owner was saying about them.

Email from owner/boss:

Hi [wife] ~

I have reached out to you in an effort to schedule an urgent meeting and it is regrettable that you are not able or willing to do so. 
Your refusal to meet today causes me to give you this news via email, which is never my preferred method. 
As you know, we met in April and put you on a Last Chance Agreement. In May, I forgave a breach of that agreement and extended your employment. Since then, unfortunately things have not improved.

At this time, it is apparent that your employment at [salon] is not contributing to the team environment we are looking for. This is not a good fit. 

The positive work culture I’m trying to create is top priority. I want everyone who works at [salon] to thrive. Having you gone for this week made it very apparent that this is just not working for us. 
Effective immediately, your employment is ended. 
I’d like to schedule a time for you to get all your personal belongings as soon as we can. I don’t feel like it would be appropriate for this to happen with other employees or clients around. I can be available to meet you after hours.

Obviously I will pass on your contact information to all of your clients so that they can be in touch with you. I do wish you the very best and I hope you find your happy place.
I have your final check, which I will overnight to you or you can pick it up when you collect your belongings.
I would love to provide you with two weeks additional pay to help you on your way. In order for you to get that, you would need sign a severance agreement.

Please contact me ASAP to arrange a time for us to meet at the salon.

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