
Follow up!

So recently I posted to this subreddit how I was let go from my job and they gave me a list of reasons of things I hadn’t even done or been talked to about. Yesterday I got an email from my manager (I was fired by my manager’s boss so they didn’t really know what was going on) basically saying “hi yeah we also fired you for these reasons and yeah those are the reasons”. The email didn’t say too much and didn’t go into detail about anything aside from at one point I had stocked some things in the wrong area which is my bad but also where I work most of the product looks the same so I feel like that is a common mistake but I could also just be wrong there. I also never did a whole lot of stocking towards the end so I find…

So recently I posted to this subreddit how I was let go from my job and they gave me a list of reasons of things I hadn’t even done or been talked to about. Yesterday I got an email from my manager (I was fired by my manager’s boss so they didn’t really know what was going on) basically saying “hi yeah we also fired you for these reasons and yeah those are the reasons”. The email didn’t say too much and didn’t go into detail about anything aside from at one point I had stocked some things in the wrong area which is my bad but also where I work most of the product looks the same so I feel like that is a common mistake but I could also just be wrong there. I also never did a whole lot of stocking towards the end so I find it weird that that would have been one of the glaring reasons for my firing. But even with this email explaining so little I still feel horrible. Part of me feels like I am not cut out to actually do work and another part of me wants to scream because I feel like this is very unfair. I just sent a reply email that says I understand and whatnot as I don’t really want to talk about this with them any more. I think what also bugs me is that I know there was another employee who was doing half of the same stuff I was doing and was never talked to about it because them and my manager were good friends. But I could also be wrong in that regard. Overall, I’m just feeling a little down about this and would love to know what you guys think or have to say. At least it’s summer so I can hopefully find a decent job.

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