
Followup on a post, about being forced to the office without a car.

Thank you all so much for your advice on this post. I’ve typed up this message to HR and wouldn’t have been able to use the correct vernacular, or get my point across well without you all. So thank you sincerely. This may end with me getting fired, or I may get to continue my job as normal, whatever the outcome, thank you all. Hello, and good morning. I'm an associate with ___bank at the _site. I was recently contacted by *head supervisor , and informed I would be required to come to site starting the 13th. she said I was selected due to poor performance. I feel I'm being singled out here, especially since my scores are barely below goal, and I believe they are actually above goal as of now. my main issue with this came when I was asked if there would be any problems. I informed…

Thank you all so much for your advice on this post. I’ve typed up this message to HR and wouldn’t have been able to use the correct vernacular, or get my point across well without you all. So thank you sincerely. This may end with me getting fired, or I may get to continue my job as normal, whatever the outcome, thank you all.

Hello, and good morning. I'm an associate with ___bank at the _site. I was recently contacted by *head supervisor , and informed I would be required to come to site starting the 13th. she said I was selected due to poor performance. I feel I'm being singled out here, especially since my scores are barely below goal, and I believe they are actually above goal as of now. my main issue with this came when I was asked if there would be any problems. I informed her that I have no car, and my commute is 30 miles.
I can only borrow a car for so long. her response to this was to offer to move around my schedule, but to inform me, that the company is not required to take into account my transportation needs. I also take issue with this as the original job listing, was listed as work from home. this whole thing, reeks of quiet firing to me, and I don't really know how else she expects this to end other than me quitting, or a constructive dismissal, though I have a suspicion that that's what __
bank is hoping for, to avoid paying unemployment. I really do like working for _____ , and _____ bank, and I would love to continue to do so. but with this change, I will be unable to. it serves no purpose other than making my job more difficult. is there anything that could be done here?

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