
Food service

I have been working since I was 14 (yeah back then and where I was born it is legal) in all kinds of jobs. I am 43 now and survived 2 rounds of cancer and had to have my whole thyroid and parathyroid system removed. I have genetic diabetes and lets say the family has a whacky mind as well. Been working this pizza place to the range of 60 hrs a week. No joke and wish I was younger. I am “” to dropping it knowing I have 3 older kids to care for and the work(energy) to pay is just not matching. I know this is not a normal antiwork post, but wanted to express and let others know there is loads working hard but getting exactly nowhere. I am simply of the age to not play games anymore. At this rate work will literally be the death…

I have been working since I was 14 (yeah back then and where I was born it is legal) in all kinds of jobs. I am 43 now and survived 2 rounds of cancer and had to have my whole thyroid and parathyroid system removed. I have genetic diabetes and lets say the family has a whacky mind as well.

Been working this pizza place to the range of 60 hrs a week. No joke and wish I was younger. I am “” to dropping it knowing I have 3 older kids to care for and the work(energy) to pay is just not matching.

I know this is not a normal antiwork post, but wanted to express and let others know there is loads working hard but getting exactly nowhere. I am simply of the age to not play games anymore. At this rate work will literally be the death of me not being held by those who love me.

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