
Fool me a bunch of times shame on me… Might be high time to fool a job offer scam or 2 and be the fool that boss man has to hurry up and fire before I can collect my 1st AND 2nd paycheck…

For 2022 I got rooked pretty good by a bunch of these scam gig/part time/freelance operations claiming to have immediate job openings. Every time they ended up getting me to do a lot of free or underpaid labor or making me fill out forms/take tests to qualify for job openings that morphed into jobs not actually hiring at the moment. I will take the blame for trusting too much, but here's the thing: Where I live the employment law states that: ” Employees whose employment is discontinued for any reason shall be paid all wages due on or before the next regular payday either through the regular pay.” If I can get myself hired for one of these shady outfits and then provide the do little or no labor until boss man has no choice but to fire me, they still have to pay me up to the date I…

For 2022 I got rooked pretty good by a bunch of these scam gig/part time/freelance operations claiming to have immediate job openings. Every time they ended up getting me to do a lot of free or underpaid labor or making me fill out forms/take tests to qualify for job openings that morphed into jobs not actually hiring at the moment. I will take the blame for trusting too much, but here's the thing: Where I live the employment law states that:

” Employees whose employment is discontinued for any reason shall be paid all wages due on or before the next regular payday either through the regular pay.” If I can get myself hired for one of these shady outfits and then provide the do little or no labor until boss man has no choice but to fire me, they still have to pay me up to the date I officially get fired. If I don't disclose that I ever worked for the shady operation to any future reputable employer I work for in the future… Seems from where I'm standing I get a little bit of pay and a week or 2 of enjoying shady mcshadester yell at me for being willfully incompetent until I get fired from the job I didn't want in the first place. What's your take antiworkers of the world, can you provide a winning argument for me continuing to take shit from scam job boss man for 2023? So far chatgpt has not come up with any compelling argument that I shouldn't go ahead with this scheme…

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