
For people who believe you shouldn’t be forced to work to survive…

You people are self centered, unrealistic, and idiotic. You shouldn’t have to play yr part, give value to others, to survive? Okay, you need food and shelter to survive right? Well who’s going to build that house for you, produce the electricity, deliver gas to your house? Slaves?? Are all those people forced to do this work for you, for nothing in return? And food. You think farmers should be forced to get this produce food, deliver it too stores, then store workers and cashiers all allow you to take it home, for nothing in return? All those people doing all that work, for nothing? You people don’t have a right to force others to give you food, shelter, medical treatment, property, nothing. Doctors went to school for 8 years and put in hard work to learn medical knowledge, but a simply shmuck thinks they have rights to force that…

You people are self centered, unrealistic, and idiotic.

You shouldn’t have to play yr part, give value to others, to survive?

Okay, you need food and shelter to survive right? Well who’s going to build that house for you, produce the electricity, deliver gas to your house? Slaves?? Are all those people forced to do this work for you, for nothing in return?

And food. You think farmers should be forced to get this produce food, deliver it too stores, then store workers and cashiers all allow you to take it home, for nothing in return?
All those people doing all that work, for nothing?

You people don’t have a right to force others to give you food, shelter, medical treatment, property, nothing.

Doctors went to school for 8 years and put in hard work to learn medical knowledge, but a simply shmuck thinks they have rights to force that doctor to give them medical treatment? For nothing of value in return??

Life isn’t fair nor easy, and people who believe they shouldn’t work, or universal income, don’t consider all the other humans that have to work to produce all this stuff you need to survive.

The government should just create money for you? Where does that money come from? That type of stuff destroys a free economy. It’s either that, or communism, and that hasn’t gone very well so far.
So free economy it is, and the word “free” means as in liberated. Not as in you can have wtvr u want for nothing in return. Bcuz again, you can’t force people to create what you need to survive.

You aren’t innately important. You don’t have value just because you’re born. You don’t have a right to property you don’t own.

Go create or do something of fckn value in yr life. Life isn’t fair. I have some diagnosed mental disabilities (depression, PTSD) yet that doesn’t mean I have a right to force others to give me what I need to survive.

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