
For those who want out right now…

Start planning right now… Not tomorrow or when you have some spare time. Drop everything, grab a pen and paper, write down how you plan to experience the world: On foot (just good shoes and a backpack=cheapest way) Bicycle (need a good bike with storage=can be done cheap) Car (preferably a wagon so you can stretch out fully in the back=can be purchased cheaply but overall expensive due to fuel & maintenance) Campervan (expensive purchase, maintenance upkeep can be extreme but with all cooking apparatus definitely the most luxurious and 'easy'=expensive due to fuel, insurance, maintenance costs and you stand out like dogs balls if you try to freecamp anywhere) Next step is to join workaway, a website that has thousands of listings in every country in the world. It's pretty cheap to oin from memory. On that site you'll find people, couples and communitues on farms, in forests, in…

Start planning right now… Not tomorrow or when you have some spare time. Drop everything, grab a pen and paper, write down how you plan to experience the world:
On foot
(just good shoes and a backpack=cheapest way)

Bicycle (need a good bike with storage=can be done cheap)

Car (preferably a wagon so you can stretch out fully in the back=can be purchased cheaply but overall expensive due to fuel & maintenance)

Campervan (expensive purchase, maintenance upkeep can be extreme but with all cooking apparatus definitely the most luxurious and 'easy'=expensive due to fuel, insurance, maintenance costs and you stand out like dogs balls if you try to freecamp anywhere)

Next step is to join workaway, a website that has thousands of listings in every country in the world. It's pretty cheap to oin from memory. On that site you'll find people, couples and communitues on farms, in forests, in houses, on sai ling boats… every type of environment you can think of in all climates and terrain and they all need a pair of extra hands to help with something. They provide all food and accommodation in return.

Join, write your profile, and search out some nearby hosts that look interesting or fun or understanding. Get there, roll up your sleeves and get healthy through conversation, work on the land, meeting new people. Give yourself and break and just be in the moment, totally free from your own self-critic. Fucking enjoy just being a human with zero plans for the future.

It's actually that easy… write your email/txt to quit now, Send it, start packing and hit the road tonight, this afternoon, tomorrow… tell everyone and celebrate the sense of freedom that comes from shedding all the baggage and going back to minimalism. Back to nature.

No mortgage, no rent, just life on the land and on the road… I promise you'll meet good people and discover you're also a good person willing to do anything for anyone if they ask kindly and share the rewards.

Pen. Paper. Now!

PS. Happy to share how my wife and found freedom living in a forest in Oz with anyone that is interested. It's not all a honeymoon and we both struggle from time to time, as does our relationship, but the sweet relief that comes from having no rent and no mortgage brings waves of gratitude every single day, and we can live of not much if we really need to so money becomes less important (still handy when it comes our way though!)

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