
For workers who rely on tips: What wage would you need to eliminate tips as an income?

I’ve been seeing a lot of work here recently with tipped employees. Sometimes the anger is directed at the employer (as it should) and other times at the customers. As an American, I hate the tipping culture. Never knew it until I lived in Europe and realize how ass backwards it is. However, every time I talk to a worker who is bitching about not getting tipped enough I ask them if they rather be paid a livable wage and I’ve always been told “no because it would be less than what I make in tips”. So, how much would you deem enough in todays pay standard to give up tips for a guaranteed paycheck?

I’ve been seeing a lot of work here recently with tipped employees. Sometimes the anger is directed at the employer (as it should) and other times at the customers. As an American, I hate the tipping culture. Never knew it until I lived in Europe and realize how ass backwards it is. However, every time I talk to a worker who is bitching about not getting tipped enough I ask them if they rather be paid a livable wage and I’ve always been told “no because it would be less than what I make in tips”.

So, how much would you deem enough in todays pay standard to give up tips for a guaranteed paycheck?

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