
Forced Pregnancies keep us desperate

Edit: This is based off a leaked vote and draft of revoking Roe Vs Wade but allowing states to decide. The Supreme Court just voted to overturning our rights to an abortion and we should be mad. In a country that offers no maternity leave, no affordable healthcare and as a whole doesn't offer affordable birth control this is a way for them to keep us in line. Pregnancies are expensive, birthing babies is expensive, raising children is expensive and most importantly daycare is unaffordable and costs as much as what most people bring home. This forces us to take jobs that work with having children or having one person stay home. A lot of families have to strategically stay below the poverty line to get the benefits they need because right above that line it's exponentially more expensive.

Edit: This is based off a leaked vote and draft of revoking Roe Vs Wade but allowing states to decide.

The Supreme Court just voted to overturning our rights to an abortion and we should be mad.
In a country that offers no maternity leave, no affordable healthcare and as a whole doesn't offer affordable birth control this is a way for them to keep us in line.

Pregnancies are expensive, birthing babies is expensive, raising children is expensive and most importantly daycare is unaffordable and costs as much as what most people bring home. This forces us to take jobs that work with having children or having one person stay home. A lot of families have to strategically stay below the poverty line to get the benefits they need because right above that line it's exponentially more expensive.

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