

Is it legal for my boss to make me use PTO when I took off work for half a day?? I asked him before leaving if I could leave early to go change a battery in my car and he claims he was under the impression I was coming back even though I did not mention that. I live in Florida for context. And if this is legal, how should I play this game? because without saying too much, I’m pretty sure he’s doing it to fuck with me.

Is it legal for my boss to make me use PTO when I took off work for half a day??

I asked him before leaving if I could leave early to go change a battery in my car and he claims he was under the impression I was coming back even though I did not mention that.

I live in Florida for context. And if this is legal, how should I play this game? because without saying too much, I’m pretty sure he’s doing it to fuck with me.

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