
Forgot my name tag at work today

For 3 days a week I work at a retail store that brings in millions of dollars every year, just so I have a little cash while I’m in college. I am a responsible employee who doesn’t cause any trouble and puts in an honest days work for the company. Today I made a huge mistake at work. I FORGOT MY NAME TAG. We are required to wear one when the store is open, and I left mine at home. We also need them to punch in and out. Because I forgot it, I needed my manager to sign the time sheet log saying I punched in and out at the right time. So, I walk up to my manager and asked him if he could sign the log and he was pissed for some reason. He huffed and puffed at me as he walked over to the log and…

For 3 days a week I work at a retail store that brings in millions of dollars every year, just so I have a little cash while I’m in college.

I am a responsible employee who doesn’t cause any trouble and puts in an honest days work for the company. Today I made a huge mistake at work.


We are required to wear one when the store is open, and I left mine at home. We also need them to punch in and out. Because I forgot it, I needed my manager to sign the time sheet log saying I punched in and out at the right time.

So, I walk up to my manager and asked him if he could sign the log and he was pissed for some reason. He huffed and puffed at me as he walked over to the log and started to fill it out, all while reminding me how it's not hard to bring a name tag to work. Remember, this is my first time not bringing my name tags to work in 3 years.

Turns out he needed my employee number for the log. Well, I didn't memorize the 10 digit number because it was on the back of my name tag. This is what sent him over the edge. He didn't care if 6 or 7 people were in the back room where this took place. He started freaking out on me, “HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR NUMBER, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS” and he even threw in a bunch of “WHAT THE HELL”s.

I told him Jen the HR lady could look it up in 5 seconds, but he wasn't having it. He went on to belittle me and tell me how I don't make an impact at our store because I work 3 days a week while my coworkers do 5, and that I'm taking away from my department's chemistry since some people might be jealous I get to work only 3 days a week. It was the most embarrassing moment at that job I've had since it was on display for multiple coworkers, and now I've never wanted to graduate sooner and GTFO of there.

I don't know if he's salty because he hates his job as a manager and wants to take it out on his employees or what. I literally forgot my name tag, meanwhile employees in other departments literally have gotten caught taking naps in the cooler and have just been told not to do it again. My situation was a big scene. And what's this bullshit about team chemistry? This is a fucking retail store where we stock product our whole shift, fuck team chemistry. Plus I don't even care about the job itself, it's not going to be my career. Hard working employees have been leaving and they can't find anyone to take their spots. After today I can see why.

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