
Former employer threatens to sue me over a python script

I worked at my previous employer for 12 years and I liked it, but after COVID – when they made us all go back into the office – I switched to working at pretty much the same job at a different place with a great WFH policy. Before I left my previous employer I wrote down everything about my job in a document and encouraged everyone to read it and ask questions. I made a browser bookmark file with annotations and an excel spreadsheet with network locations of everything and what each thing did. This was all put on the shared network drive under my name. No one ever asked questions and afaik no one ever looked at any of the documentation and I am presuming based on what just happened that they forgot about it. I got a call from former employer (several higher ups on conference) last Tuesday…

I worked at my previous employer for 12 years and I liked it, but after COVID – when they made us all go back into the office – I switched to working at pretty much the same job at a different place with a great WFH policy.

Before I left my previous employer I wrote down everything about my job in a document and encouraged everyone to read it and ask questions. I made a browser bookmark file with annotations and an excel spreadsheet with network locations of everything and what each thing did. This was all put on the shared network drive under my name. No one ever asked questions and afaik no one ever looked at any of the documentation and I am presuming based on what just happened that they forgot about it.

I got a call from former employer (several higher ups on conference) last Tuesday asking me to help them model storm data because we just had some bad storms. Modeling this type of storm data is not super common so the last time we had to do it was 2018. I told them I'd do it for $100/hour and I'd need to get clearance from my current employer. There was a long pause as if I had made a joke. I haven't worked there in two years. They called Thursday to ask again, with the same answer. I got a call today saying that I built the storm model while I worked there… and I needed to either give it to them or build another one because it was their property or I'd be sued. I said … “$100 an hour and only if my current employer okays it”.

I could have just told them the exact network path where it (probably) still sits on their server. You just double click it and enter in a date, takes about 90 seconds to run.

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