
Former employer won’t leave me alone.

I'll be the first to admit, I wasn't the best employee on the planet. I made mistakes, I got upset a few times. I was terminated on Friday after an argument with my boss. They also made mistakes in regards to how they treated me. They forgot to request a few things from me like password to my company phone and email password (which they should already have access to if IT knew what they were doing.) My former employer would call me. Text me, email me on my time off, on my vacation and on days where I was caring for my wife. She has medical issues that I won't go into here. It's been 3 days now since I was let go. They haven't stopped texting, calling. Emailing….I'm expecting to see smoke signals from them in order to get in contact with me. Things is …. I don't…

I'll be the first to admit, I wasn't the best employee on the planet. I made mistakes, I got upset a few times. I was terminated on Friday after an argument with my boss. They also made mistakes in regards to how they treated me. They forgot to request a few things from me like password to my company phone and email password (which they should already have access to if IT knew what they were doing.)

My former employer would call me. Text me, email me on my time off, on my vacation and on days where I was caring for my wife. She has medical issues that I won't go into here.

It's been 3 days now since I was let go. They haven't stopped texting, calling. Emailing….I'm expecting to see smoke signals from them in order to get in contact with me.

Things is …. I don't work for them anymore, they're not laying me for this information. . They should have had their ducks in a row before they pulled the trigger on me.

I'm sick of companies thinking they own you even after they terminate you. It's wrong.

I have a good savings account so I think I'm gonna take a break for a month or so before beginning the search for a new job.

Thanks for reading my vent

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