
Former Head of Security at Amazon spills the beans in youtube comments.

Came across a chain of comments under this video. Obviously we don't know this is all 100% true, but it's still an interesting read. Former Amazon head of security here. The security team is part of the “Safety” team, and frequently has to pick up the slack when the safety team goes home at night. When a person collapses due to heart attack, dehydration, dietary coma, or employee in-fighting, it's generally not the safety team going to investigate. It's me. What I've discovered, is that if there is an incident like a murder, assault, or an accidental death of any kind: the situation is addressed with EMS and the police being called. The area is quarantined off, and all Associates are sent to the lunch room for break, while EMS do their thing and ABM cleans up the blood. The police will have to get a warrant or a subpoena…

Came across a chain of comments under this video. Obviously we don't know this is all 100% true, but it's still an interesting read.

Former Amazon head of security here. The security team is part of the “Safety” team, and frequently has to pick up the slack when the safety team goes home at night. When a person collapses due to heart attack, dehydration, dietary coma, or employee in-fighting, it's generally not the safety team going to investigate. It's me. What I've discovered, is that if there is an incident like a murder, assault, or an accidental death of any kind: the situation is addressed with EMS and the police being called. The area is quarantined off, and all Associates are sent to the lunch room for break, while EMS do their thing and ABM cleans up the blood. The police will have to get a warrant or a subpoena to get access to any information. Jeff Bezos does not like the police. So generally they will stay outside and wait for any witnesses to come outside. Video footage of the incident involved is either given to the police via warrant or brought to court. After the area in question has been cleaned up by ABM, and the HazMat team has deemed it safe, work resumes like normal. Which means if you need to go testify you have to do it on your break or after work. Or. Use your UPT or PTO for the time to do so. It fucking costs you money to make a witness statement.

If you have to use you PTO or UPT then you're effectively paying for it. That's YOUR paid time off, that's being spent in order to take time away from work. HR allows relatives to mourn and grieve, but if you're not a direct relative or loved one, you better get your ass back to work.

Another thing. Say. Blood was spilt between two employees but no deaths occurred. Both get fired. Regardless of who started the fight and who acted in self-defense, both get fired. Now I've Been Told that the defendant of the assault has the opportunity to plead for the job back, but I can't confirm that.

[..]a fire broke out in the smokers cage, and I was called to investigate. I get there, and open the door using my badge, and I burn my hand on the door as I open it, and I see this column of Fire creeping up the side of the wall behind the door.
I grabbed a mop bucket full of dirty soapy water and put out the fire… I knew there was something wrong with me, because I felt nothing… and i'm serious. I deadened on the inside.

Story time:
I once got a performance write up for not being in three places at once…

Let me explain.

So i'm chilling at my desk catching up on Amazon Unauthorized Asset Reports, when a lady comes up to my desk. “Excuse me. Officer?”

What can I do for you, miss?

“You know me right?”


“Well you know where I sit at least”.

No miss, I don't.

“You know… over by the bus stop?”

You mean way out on the other side of the parking lot?

“No! Right outside, there. You know… You walk out there every night.”

Miss, I rove everywhere. Every night. You're gonna have to be more spec-

“Where people get picked up?”

Oh! Yeah… what of it, miss?

“Well… tHeRe'S A PeRsOn HaViNg A sEiZuRe.”

I don't know why she didn't lead with that, but I was panicked because of the time wasted. So I go sprinting out of there like a mad man, and I find the dude, spazzing out.

I call 911 and radio for one of my brand-spanking-new guards to stand there and assist wherever possible. My guard reveals to me that he's not medically certified. Which boggles my tiny brain, because it's a goddamn requirement! So… I help the guy the best I can, until ems arrive and I tell Space Cadet to stay put and wait for ems to leave, and to record everything he can for a report later. I'm heading back inside, when suddenly a different woman comes up to me and says “Officer, Officer! There's a woman! Sh's collapsed!”

Son… Of a bitch…

So I sprint inside and I ask if ANY of my guards are medically certified fpr first response First Aid. No. None of them are. For some fucking reason. So that just leaves me. So I run and find the lady. I know her! I know her name! Konnie! She's gone into cardiac arrest. I order for an AED and start chest compressions. Ems finally show up.

While i'm away…

Amazon goes on break and my other dipshit space cadets are standing around on their phones, instead of watching the metal detectors. This was a HUGE fuck up. And I was the one who got written up for it. For bot being there to tell them to do their jobs… while saving someone's life…

I attest to that being the point of no return. That was when I died. Nothing that job could throw at me, from then on could top that.

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