
Former manager is dragging my name through the mud after two years of abuse because i transferred shifts

Tldr; sorry for the long rant. I just finally got whats owed to me and my former boss is trying to get me fired because its official im better than him and now his real face has shown since i refused deal with his bullshit So i work at a production facility. Aside from the amount of hours i dont mind the work. More over, i enjoy operating so i took the time to master every production machine out of curiosity and now ive been the most skilled non management employee for a while, even better than some management. Even got a raise because of how skilled i became. My former shift manager was ok at first when i was new. We’d hang out, play video games, work friends for all intents and purposes. But as i got more skilled, he started to get more and more demeaning and belittling.…

Tldr; sorry for the long rant. I just finally got whats owed to me and my former boss is trying to get me fired because its official im better than him and now his real face has shown since i refused deal with his bullshit

So i work at a production facility. Aside from the amount of hours i dont mind the work. More over, i enjoy operating so i took the time to master every production machine out of curiosity and now ive been the most skilled non management employee for a while, even better than some management. Even got a raise because of how skilled i became. My former shift manager was ok at first when i was new. We’d hang out, play video games, work friends for all intents and purposes. But as i got more skilled, he started to get more and more demeaning and belittling. Until the closer our gap in knowledge became, the more he began to force me out of the industrial tech’s control room. A position for which i was paid for and earned. Instead making me do the grunt work and replacing me with significantly lower skilled employees who were prone to ass kissing. I always kept our work days professional and did what i knew was right despite what he wanted and he didnt like that either. Hell, i had to go above his head to get the pay raise because he refused to give it to me. Then say what a terrible worker and person i was to keep the rest of the shift from wanting to help with any of the menial labor i was subjected too. Including two person jobs. Then would give me shit for not completing my work on time. The last straw was when he hired his friend and his nephew. The two dumbest people ive ever met. They werent required to do anything so long as they licked the ground he walked on. And they did. Finally after several unfollowed up complaints about him, i requested a transfer to the night shift. After showing how valuable i was, that shift manager offered me a pay raise and a supervisor position which came with another raise on top of that and also giving me authority to run the shift and more importantly it gave me freedom to just do what i wanted. I dont boss my team members around, i dont have the stomach for it. I operate my favorite machines and relieve breaks and pal around the other operators. I dont even enforce rules. We’re there 10/12 hours a day and all adults. What do i care if you want to watch some videos or eat snacks outside of the designated break area. We only get 5 breaks. And most of them are 10/15 minute breaks anyway.

Anywho. My former shift manager heard this and has told everyone from normal employees to any corporate manager thatll listen that all i do is try to steal control from the manager and constantly mess machines up due to gross incompetence. As far as i can tell. No one has taken him seriously but im really close to knocking him out if this continues. And i know what it is. He’s mad that i left and he doesnt have any skilled employees on his team. And jealous that i know more about machine operations than him. And mad that finally, someone else saw my skill and gave me the position and pay i was owed. He had his chance. If he hadnt railroaded my progress and actually took the time to be a person and not a dictator, he wouldnt now be getting in trouble with his boss about having the worst shift and treating it like a high-school lunch room. The guys a dick and hope he gets fired soon along with the rest of the boot licking good for nothings he calls employees and the dipshit who put him in charge.

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