
Found out a company I’ve been with for 8 years has been underpaying me.

To preface this, I’m very good friends with my supervisor and I don’t know if she has a lot of blame in this (we work for a large corporation). My coworker and I had our bi-monthly one on one meetings with our supervisor yesterday. A bit of background, I’ve been in my position (aside from a 4 month sabbatical) for almost 8 years since I started with the company. My coworker had been with the company almost 5 years and been in his current position for 1 year. We have the exact same position. Before our meetings he pulled me aside and said “I need to tell you something before your meeting.” He proceeds to tell me his salary and that he’s going to ask for a raise. His salary with 3 less years with the company and 7 less years experience in the position is over $1 more an…

To preface this, I’m very good friends with my supervisor and I don’t know if she has a lot of blame in this (we work for a large corporation). My coworker and I had our bi-monthly one on one meetings with our supervisor yesterday. A bit of background, I’ve been in my position (aside from a 4 month sabbatical) for almost 8 years since I started with the company. My coworker had been with the company almost 5 years and been in his current position for 1 year. We have the exact same position. Before our meetings he pulled me aside and said “I need to tell you something before your meeting.” He proceeds to tell me his salary and that he’s going to ask for a raise. His salary with 3 less years with the company and 7 less years experience in the position is over $1 more an hour than mine. I told him to let me have my meeting first. I did, and didn’t mention anything to my boss. He had his and asked for a raise, she gave him a list of tasks to learn (all of which I’ve know how to do and been doing for years) and she would approach corporate about giving him a raise. We’ve devised a plan for me to wait it out until he gets/or doesn’t get his raise before I approach them with what I’ve learned regarding our salaries. Now, I understand they don’t HAVE to give me a raise, but I also don’t HAVE to be quite about discussing wages.

TLDR: Discussed salaries with less experienced coworker who makes more. We’re conspiring to get both of us raises.

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