
Found out today why I was let go from my job, last March and it’s just sad

A former co worker and I got talking about my old job, they have been promoted and were asking me for some feedback. I went on a rant about how I was getting the highest production in my group at the company and how I don’t need a manager to breathing down my neck to do work and have no idea why I as let go when I even participated in after work activities with co workers, trained new people and was always positive and encouraging others. They told me they heard nothing but good things about me from the company but I was the loudest voice pushing for working at home (was living with my grandpa and helping him out around the house) and so because of that I was let go. Best part is they now have a hybrid work schedule and can work from home some days…

A former co worker and I got talking about my old job, they have been promoted and were asking me for some feedback. I went on a rant about how I was getting the highest production in my group at the company and how I don’t need a manager to breathing down my neck to do work and have no idea why I as let go when I even participated in after work activities with co workers, trained new people and was always positive and encouraging others.
They told me they heard nothing but good things about me from the company but I was the loudest voice pushing for working at home (was living with my grandpa and helping him out around the house) and so because of that I was let go.
Best part is they now have a hybrid work schedule and can work from home some days because people were quitting and couldn’t hire enough new people. So yeah got laid off for voicing my opinion at a company that “values” feedback.

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