
Fraggles: the original antiwork movement

Sure, some of what some of the fraggles did could be considered work. I mean, Uncle Traveling Matt was an international journalist, Red was an athlete or an aerobics instructor, Boober liked to cook, and so on. None of it was necessary, though. They could just hang around and do whatever. The act of staying alive and healthy was never jeopardized by not having a “job”. I believe Jim Henson originally meant the show to be for an adult counterculture audience and it seems that antiwork is about as counterculture as we can get these days. The entire world, as far as I can see, is trapped within the culture of constant work to achieve absolutely nothing but allowing the constant work culture to persist. Antiwork is not about being lazy, not about stealing the productivity of others, but living in harmony with eachother and with nature, just like the…

Sure, some of what some of the fraggles did could be considered work. I mean, Uncle Traveling Matt was an international journalist, Red was an athlete or an aerobics instructor, Boober liked to cook, and so on. None of it was necessary, though. They could just hang around and do whatever. The act of staying alive and healthy was never jeopardized by not having a “job”.

I believe Jim Henson originally meant the show to be for an adult counterculture audience and it seems that antiwork is about as counterculture as we can get these days. The entire world, as far as I can see, is trapped within the culture of constant work to achieve absolutely nothing but allowing the constant work culture to persist. Antiwork is not about being lazy, not about stealing the productivity of others, but living in harmony with eachother and with nature, just like the Fraggles.

There were the Doozers in Fraggle Rock and there will be Doozers in our world too, but we should be able to fraggle once in a while and not worry about being homeless and hungry.

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