
Freaking out about work and I don’t know what to do

So the company I work for has been pretty good to me for the almost 2 years I’ve been there. I had to have a couple HR discussions right when I started that were really stupid and trivial. But whatever. I learned what they wanted in this culture and I moved on. That is, until this week. HR pulled me into a meeting to tell me that I had bought a gift for an employee and it had made her uncomfortable and now my job was “at risk.” This came out of completely nowhere. I just had my annual review and was given a big raise. And the employee in question blatantly told me that it was okay for me to buy her this specific gift. They referenced the first talks I had with them back when I started which was about a year and a half ago. Which I…

So the company I work for has been pretty good to me for the almost 2 years I’ve been there. I had to have a couple HR discussions right when I started that were really stupid and trivial. But whatever. I learned what they wanted in this culture and I moved on.

That is, until this week. HR pulled me into a meeting to tell me that I had bought a gift for an employee and it had made her uncomfortable and now my job was “at risk.”

This came out of completely nowhere. I just had my annual review and was given a big raise. And the employee in question blatantly told me that it was okay for me to buy her this specific gift. They referenced the first talks I had with them back when I started which was about a year and a half ago. Which I feel shouldn’t even count since they were so long ago (they were in a different “review period”)

I make good money at this job. So I don’t know what to do. I feel like this is not a good environment after this happening to me. I had to schedule an extra session with my therapist because I was feeling so scared. I want to do something to fight back and clear my name.

Not sure why I’m posting here….but if anyone has any advice or insight, I’d appreciate it. Thank you

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