
Freedom Begins Where Work Ends…words of encouragement about setting workplace conditions…

Exhibit (A) Power-Tripping Manager, scared of their boss but won't support employees. This one time, I had this boss named “Kyle”. Well, Kyle had this habit of being top flight security of the world when it came to acting big man in front of customers. Kyle was a real fake it until you make it type of person. Everyone didn't really like the manager to the point where workers were straight up: “STFU, Kyle” We first started with healthy boundaries, then we had to put our foot down because manager promises were broken and racism / bogotry from Kyle. Also Kyle wasn't protecting us from violent customers from hell. So…we created a culture of “Fuck You, Kyle” among the workers. We didn't resort to workplace bullying…we just collectively agreed to stop giving a crap. Of course…behind his back, we were all like, “Fuck Kyle”. Kyle would cry about something…we all…

Exhibit (A) Power-Tripping Manager, scared of their boss but won't support employees.

This one time, I had this boss named “Kyle”. Well, Kyle had this habit of being top flight security of the world when it came to acting big man in front of customers. Kyle was a real fake it until you make it type of person.

Everyone didn't really like the manager to the point where workers were straight up: “STFU, Kyle”

We first started with healthy boundaries, then we had to put our foot down because manager promises were broken and racism / bogotry from Kyle. Also Kyle wasn't protecting us from violent customers from hell.

So…we created a culture of “Fuck You, Kyle” among the workers. We didn't resort to workplace bullying…we just collectively agreed to stop giving a crap. Of course…behind his back, we were all like, “Fuck Kyle”.

Kyle would cry about something…we all were just like “K”. Deadpan expressions with replies like, “I don't see the big deal”.

When Kyle was at his worst, we pushed back really hard. Playing video games on shift, openly smoking weed out back and smelling like a weed farm. Customer would complain and we would be like “K”…they ask to speak to a manager…we played the “I'm the manager you dork” game.

Then we dialed it up a notch, collectively walked out, reported wage theft, Kyle ran away a week later and quit. We all quit because fuck that place…3 stores shut down as a resort.

I still send anti-work memes to Kyle as he is in a group chat I am in…Kyle can die mad.

TLDR — If your entire crew hates the manager…it is fucking awesome when it comes to workplace organizing.

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