
Friend with an antiquated attitude

So I (m28) started my career at the same time as my friend, who is the same age. We are in a similar field working for two different companies. When we started I was on around 32k and he started on like 38k. Good for him. Now fast forward to like 4 years later, we are both with the same companies we started in. We met up for a few drinks and towards the end, he mentioned he got a raise so the drinks were on him. As he was paying he said it’s great to finally be on 40k. It was a little tactless but I asked him “wait you are there for 4 years and have only gone up 2k from when you started? You need to ask for a raise or look for a new job.” I told him that I have asked for a raise at…

So I (m28) started my career at the same time as my friend, who is the same age.
We are in a similar field working for two different companies.
When we started I was on around 32k and he started on like 38k. Good for him.
Now fast forward to like 4 years later, we are both with the same companies we started in.
We met up for a few drinks and towards the end, he mentioned he got a raise so the drinks were on him.
As he was paying he said it’s great to finally be on 40k. It was a little tactless but I asked him “wait you are there for 4 years and have only gone up 2k from when you started? You need to ask for a raise or look for a new job.”
I told him that I have asked for a raise at every annual review and also set up a meeting with my boss when the cost of living skyrocketed saying that the market rate for my position has increased/cost of living has gone up/other forms are reaching out to me etc.
As a result of this I went;
32k to 35k after six months.
35-40k at end of year one.
40-47k at end of year two
47-54k at end of year three
54-60-70k now.
He was shocked at me and said “you can’t just match in and demand a raise, that’s so rude and entitled.”
I told him I never demanded anything, I just asked for things, and pointed out my value to the company, how much money I make them each year, how much the market is currently paying for people with my skills and experience and also mention that other companies are eager to have me, all of which is …kinda true. Like if a company asks me to interview or meet for a coffee, I might stretch the truth and say they are offering me positions in the salary range etc.
Anyway he got pretty angry saying that I was burning bridges…I’m not, I’m on great terms with my boss.
I asked him had he ever asked for a promotion or a raise over the last four years and he told me that no, he has had several promotions but only two of them came with a raise and that was just 1000 each.
Anyway the night ended poorly as we had both had a few too many and he was clearly upset that I made more than him and that he definitely should have been asking for raises.
Fast forward again like 2 weeks and he calls me and we both apologise for being stupid while drunk, no worries. He also asks me if I could help him prep for a meeting he had scheduled with his manager next week where he plans to ask for a raise!!
I have sent him loads of salary reports and he should be earning at least 62k for his position in our city.

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