
frustrated with work and trying to afford a car

Basically my car is scrap, rusted underneath….. so I need a “new” one … it's doable but tight on my current budget. I went to my manager (who is generally understanding) to ask about either a raise or tempish WFH… I was told Company isn't financially able to offer a raise atm, ok fine…. and “your positions requires that you work in the office” … only – its a desk job, I'm on the computer all day, theres nothjng about my day to day tasks that dicate location…And I was wfh for a year+ in the pandemic. I don't even interact with my teammates that much. So the “requirement” is one they've decided on…. They also had no suggestions or anything about my situation, just “we can't do it”. Which is like “well, sucks to be you, get back to work” vibe. Definitely frustrating. And not the only time they've…

Basically my car is scrap, rusted underneath….. so I need a “new” one … it's doable but tight on my current budget. I went to my manager (who is generally understanding) to ask about either a raise or tempish WFH…

I was told Company isn't financially able to offer a raise atm, ok fine…. and “your positions requires that you work in the office” … only – its a desk job, I'm on the computer all day, theres nothjng about my day to day tasks that dicate location…And I was wfh for a year+ in the pandemic. I don't even interact with my teammates that much.

So the “requirement” is one they've decided on….

They also had no suggestions or anything about my situation, just “we can't do it”.

Which is like “well, sucks to be you, get back to work” vibe.

Definitely frustrating. And not the only time they've been..inflexible. So I guess I need to be looking for a new car and better job (even if pay is thr same. If I can be remote it would be better).

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