
Fuck Hy-Vee

First off, apologizes for a venting post, it's problem not helpful but god damn it where the fuck else can I say this. FUCK HYVEE *inhales* alright, time for context I, a 32 year old guy who, mostly due to poor eyesight but sprinkled with a dash of crippling anxiety, cannot drive and due my family being lower-middle class at best and me not being able to find a job right out of college I had to move back in with my folks into a small-ish town with no bus route to the metro area (I live in Minnesota btw) So, in order to pay off my student loan I got a job at the first place that hired me being the local Grocery Store Hy-Vee, a mid-tier grocery store chain in the upper midwest. I'm a stocker, I get paid $12 (originally 11.50 but been over a year) and…

First off, apologizes for a venting post, it's problem not helpful but god damn it where the fuck else can I say this.


*inhales* alright, time for context

I, a 32 year old guy who, mostly due to poor eyesight but sprinkled with a dash of crippling anxiety, cannot drive and due my family being lower-middle class at best and me not being able to find a job right out of college I had to move back in with my folks into a small-ish town with no bus route to the metro area (I live in Minnesota btw)

So, in order to pay off my student loan I got a job at the first place that hired me being the local Grocery Store Hy-Vee, a mid-tier grocery store chain in the upper midwest.

I'm a stocker, I get paid $12 (originally 11.50 but been over a year) and I work/ed primarily in Dairy but then got moved to meat department recently

For a stretch things weren't terrible. I mean I wasn't making a lot of money but I don't need a lot money to get by thankfully. I was working 35 hours a week, had a half-decent savings account and things were ok

Then a few emergencies came, the holidays etc… and now I'm pretty broke. I can manage but I need hours. I figured moving to the meat department would be fine. Same amount of hours pretty much and it was the same schedule I had always worked

Then, I go from 35 to 20 hours basically eliminating the days I worked overstock because the Meat department has very little overstock, so I'm just doing trucks. Annoying, and of course I bitched to management about it but I could deal


I took last weekend (21-22) off to celebrate my birthday with my IRL friends like I do every year and I come back to… NOT working again until Friday. And this time I don't half heartedly bitch to management I straight up tell them that this is unacceptable I'm not a fucking high schooler and I'm not retired (which make up 70% of the non-management team) I need fucking hours they say “oh its just because the holidays are over and the snow, store is really slow right now” fucking bullshit whatever the other two morning crew stockers still get 20+ hours

then next week I just checked because I hadn't and they have me working ONE FUCKING DAY


so the paycheck for that week is $84 dollars… before taxes or shit

I thought “employee-owned” was supposed to be the fucking end goal for most places but FUCK Hy-Vee FUCK THEM FUCK!

God I just want to call in on Friday and say fuck you I quit but god damn it my parents keep saying our family doesn't do that you need to turn in a 2 week notice, I haven't told them about this seven hour fucking shift but man I don't know if it's fucking worth working a two week notice I know it will be a fucking terrible time because I am FUCKING PISSED and I am not very good at keeping that to myself

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