
Fuck micromanaging district managers, fuck companies that treat you like an animal, with the amount I get paid for (minimum wage), I should not be expected to go above and beyond for your shitty ass exploitative franchise.

Quite literally what's in the title. To elaborate, I work at a certain coffee shop popular in the northeastern U.S (not sbucks) that unfortunately has not unionized and I do not have hope that it will. My coworkers have no desire to do so cause “hurr durr fees and dues” and it's really a rather bleak prospect for unionization for the franchise's workers. I just want to be paid more for what I do (I think that while I'm not perfect, I try my best to do my job being neurodivergent and all), and on top of that, be treated like an actual human being instead of a robot that can do 1 million things at a time. I've decided that I won't go above and beyond what's in my job description (no I won't do the manager's job), and I'll limit contact with the district manager, I'll leave my…

Quite literally what's in the title. To elaborate, I work at a certain coffee shop popular in the northeastern U.S (not sbucks) that unfortunately has not unionized and I do not have hope that it will. My coworkers have no desire to do so cause “hurr durr fees and dues” and it's really a rather bleak prospect for unionization for the franchise's workers. I just want to be paid more for what I do (I think that while I'm not perfect, I try my best to do my job being neurodivergent and all), and on top of that, be treated like an actual human being instead of a robot that can do 1 million things at a time. I've decided that I won't go above and beyond what's in my job description (no I won't do the manager's job), and I'll limit contact with the district manager, I'll leave my superiors to deal with his crusty capitalistic ass.

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